Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 Reasons Why Women Should Wear Lingerie

Ten reasons why women should wear lingerie:

1. To look good.
2. To feel good.
3. Make yourself stand out from the crowd.
4. Highlight the most attractive parts of your body.
5. Cover up the least attractive parts of your body.
6. Draw attention to yourself.
7. Increase your self confidence.
8. Men are visually oriented creatures and will respond.
9. Role playing to spice things up.
10. Because you will look and feel sexy.


driver said...

One of the best stores to find lingerie that will make you look and feel like the models on this website is to visit

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of great on line lingerie sites and you may want to check out

pandora bracelets said...

I like this picture, transparent product. The best sexy lingerie online store.